Last year, Holsteiner Verband Vermarktungs- und Auktions GmbH successfully established a new initiative with the first Holsteiner Foal Month. This format supports you, dear breeders of Holsteiner foals, in the direct marketing of your offspring via the wide reach of the association's online presence. The Holsteiner Foal Month will therefore be held again in 2024: From 7 September to 7 October.
Registration for this platform is possible from now until Friday, 19 July 2024. With professional photo and video recordings of the foals, a profile with the exhibitor's contact details will be set up for each foal on offer at and advertised on countless channels by Vermarktungs- und Auktions GmbH. The Holsteiner Foal Month is not an auction: the interactions and price negotiations take place exclusively between the exhibitors and interested parties. If the sale is successful, there is no additional fee for either party. "It is a matter close to our hearts to provide our breeders with the best possible support beyond the auctions," emphasises Head of Marketing Felix Flinzer. "It has become clear that very good photos and videos are also essential for sales directly from the stables these days. And we reach tens of thousands of people via our online presence."
Supported by Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH and Hengststation Maas J. Hell
The registration is available to Holsteiner breeders at a cost price of 250 euros plus VAT per foal (incl. creation, editing/processing and uploading of photo and video recordings). What was already gladly accepted last year and will be repeated this year is a subsidisation of the campaign by the stallion owners: Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH and Hengststation Maas J. Hell have decided to make a financial contribution to those breeders who register offspring by a stallion from their portfolio. The cost contribution for stallion owners is 150 euros per foal. This means that customers from the sponsoring stations can register their offspring for as little as 100 euros plus VAT.
Click here for the registration form:
Photo: Janne Bugtrup