The dates of "Verband Stallions on Tour" in the spring in some breeding districts in Schleswig-Holstein were very popular with numerous breeders and interested parties. And this year there will also be another event in the breeding district Europe, where some stallions will present themselves under saddle and in the short course.
On Tuesday, September 10 2024, they will show themselves from 4:00 pm at Gestüt Prinzenberg in Pfungstadt. This is where Sophie Hinners, Richard Vogel and their team normally train their young hopefuls. In an atmospheric setting, you will receive training impressions of the Holsteiner stallions.
Managing Director Sebastian Rohde, championship rider David Will and Matthias Wittke, Chairman of the breeding district Europe, are already a well-established team when it comes to presenting and commenting on the stallions. "Last year, the pre-sampling of the sires on hard ground also met with a very positive response," says Sebastian Rohde, "which is why we want to repeat this as well as getting to know the stallions in more detail in the stables." The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions, talk shop about breeding decisions for 2025 and enjoy the evening with cool drinks.
The stallions traveling to Pfungstadt will be announced in good time before the event. The team from Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH and Prinzenberg Stud is looking forward to seeing you there!
Gestüt Prinzenberg
Außerhalb 59
64319 Pfungstadt