Daikon by Dominator Z-Cassini I
HOL | *2018 | 166 cm | Dark Bay | UELN: DE421000129118 | Mare family 18A2
Daikon is more and more able to confirm the exceptional free jumping talent he demonstrated at his grading in January 2021 under saddle as well. Physically well-developed and at an age-appropriate training level, Daikon is very eager and ambitious as he goes about his work, which is definitely a good thing even though he is still a bit overzealous. He is a remarkably agile jumper with an extremely nimble canter. Again and again, exceptionally talented jumping stallions like Corrado, Carthago, or Cassini have left their mark on the breed in the more recent Holsteiner breeding history. This talent is also the most outstanding quality of Daikon, a stallion licensed in January 2021. His strength, pushing power, technique, carefulness, and the way he uses his hind legs when jumping are nothing but exceptional. The legs are correct throughout, with well-angled hind quarters. His basic gaits are ground-covering and regular. The canter stands out the most – long striding and balanced with impressive carrying power.
Dominator Z has a high profile at international top level sport with Christian Ahlmann. The combination’s achievements include winning the grand prix of Doha, Stockholm, and Hamburg. Through Cassini I-Franklin-Athlet, the Diamant de Semilly son goes back to the Holsteiner mare family 3017; the family’s most important produce is the stallion Lord Liberty.
The damline of Daikon traces back to stem 18A2 from Dithmarschen. Representatives of this highly important mare family include the Derby winner Calle Cool, the exceptional jumper Pikeur Dylon or Catwalk, who used to be on top position on the WBFSH ranking. The stallions
on the dam’s side of Daikon’s pedigree, Cassini I, Landjunge, Ahorn, Caletto I, and Wahnfried are all exceptional Holsteiner jumping sires and guarantors of quality produce of this branch off stem 18A2. Daikon’s third dam, Zita, is particular significant, as she stood out already as a young jumper with wins under the saddle of Tjark Nagel. She went on to compete at S level with Stephan Abt and Achaz von Buchwaldt, and was also successfully shown in high-jump competitions. Zita’s stud performance is impressive, other than Daikon’s second dam, Summer by Landjunge, she also produced two 1.60m jumpers, Cordero and Hatschibuh.
Own performance
Daikon underwent 14-day-ability assessment in Neustadt upon Dosse in September 2021 and received a final mark of 8.58 (jumping weighted). He was given 9.0 on character, temperament, willingness to perform and jumping aptitude (free jumping). In 2022, Daikon completed sport testing in Verden where he received a final mark of 8.09 (jumping weighted), scoring 8.50 on ability and 8.10 on technique. Daikon has also collected first horse show experiences at four-year-old and won a young horse jumping class at A* level.
Considerations for breeding by Sebastian Rohde
This young stallion embodies many positive qualities. Being a son of Dominator, he is particularly agile, with loads of energy and ambition. Even though the concentration of Cassini I genes must be kept in mind, he also carries the now rare genes of Ladykiller TB and Alme.
Head Rider Jens Klöppel about Daikon
Daikon is a very honest stallion, very willing to perform and with a positive sport attitude. He is a very powerful jumper with a big canter.
More about the stallion and semen order:
Photos: Janne Bugtrup